We advocate for streets, trails, and transit that make Redmond more accessible and inclusive. To achieve that, we work with Redmond City Council and Mayor, the King County Council, and the State Legislature to enact smart policy and fund streets that make it easy and affordable to get around Redmond.
2023 Priorities

Safer Streets
- Support the implementation of Vision Zero through the City of Redmond’s Local Road Safety Plan
- Promote safe access to light rail stations for people who walk, bike and take the bus
- Advocate for policies and funding that improve safety at the City, County, State, and Federal level

Affordable & Reliable Transportation Options
Move Redmond will work with elected leaders, agency partners, and large employers to ensure that Redmond and Puget Sound have mobility choices.
- Push Sound Transit to run an East Link Starter Light rail Line and improve station access
- Sign up members for ORCA passport so employees have free transit access and/or start a cash out bonus for employees who do no drive alone to work
- Speak out in support of affordable housing – people need to live closer to where they work and go to school to have access to transportation options

Changing Habits
People shift their habits when infrastructure makes is easier or people start a new job or school
- Host Bike Classes to educate and encourage people to ride bikes
- collect and share transportation stories to inform advocacy priorities for the community
- Inform youth about youth free transit
- Work with members and community partners to obtain bike racks grants to improve bike amenities around Redmond
Lobby Day with Futurewise

The Move Redmond team took a field trip down to Olympia with our friends at Futurewise to advocate for better housing, climate planning and transportation. Our team met with 45th District’s Senator Dhingra and Representative Springer, 48th District’s Representative Amy Walen, 46th District Rep Farivar, 41st district Representative Senn, 39th District Representative Low, and 21st district Rep Ortiz-Self. To wrap up our day, our Executive Director, Kelli Refer, provided in person testimony to support HB 1428! Learn more about Move Redmond’s legislative priorities here!
Eastside Starter Line- Story Collection

Move Redmond & Complete Streets Bellevue continued to Advocate for the Eastside Starter Line. We asked community members to share their stories with the Sound Transit Board to let them know how the opening of the Eastside Starter Line will impact their commute between South Bellevue & Overlake before the Sound Transit Board Meeting on January 26th. We received over 180 stories & the Sound Transit Board decided by a 16 -1 vote to approve funding to continue studying the Eastlink Starter Line
Redmond Central Connector Phase Three

Move Redmond supported the groundbreaking of the Redmond Central Connector Phase three allowing people to have more transportation options of getting to and from Redmond. Move Redmond will continue to monitor policies and funding opportunities at the Federal, State, and Local levels to identify funding to improve transit, walking and biking in Redmond
Eastside Only Light Rail

In collaboration with Complete Streets Bellevue, we mobilized over 100 people to take action using our Action Alert to send a letter to the sound Transit Board & CEO Julie Timm to support councilmember Claudia Balducci’s idea to run an Eastside only light rail from Bellevue to Redmond until the construction at the I-90 bridge is complete
Vision Zero Resolution

Move Redmond collaborated with the Redmond City Council to shape the Vision Zero Resolution, we are a step closer to achieving safe streets for all. As we look ahead to next year, we will continue to advocate to fund projects that reduce speeds, enhance pedestrian crossings, and build protected bike lanes to ensure that Vision Zero is implemented
Move Ahead Washington

Move Redmond celebrated the passage of Move Ahead Washington. This transformational transportation package made historic investments in transit, walking, and biking. Check out our legislative debrief here.
Transit Equity Day

To celebrate Transit Equity Day, Move Redmond shared kudos from riders to celebrate the work of transit operators with ATU587 in partnership with Transit Riders Union and Front and Centered.
East Link Restructure

Move Redmond is working with our members and community partners to ensure that the East Link Restructure will provide frequent and reliable bus service to people on the Eastside.
State Legislative Priorities

Move Redmond is excited about the prospect of passing a Transportation Package. We are advocating for better streets, trails and transit! Read about our legislative priorities here.
Improving Safety and Accessibility at Overlake Village Light Rail Station

Move Redmond teamed up with Disability Rights Washington, 350 Washington, and Front & Centered to advocate for safety and accessibility improvements to the SR-520 offramp project adjacent to the Overlake Village Light Rail Station. As a result, there will be raised crosswalks, wider sidewalks, and other safety improvements to the project.
Redmond Central Connector Phase 3 Ride Along

Redmond needs safe, stress-free bike routes to connect our businesses, neighborhoods, and schools to our future light rail stations. Learn more and voice your support for a Redmond Protected Bike Lane Network here.
Ride Along with King County District 3 Candidates

Move Redmond rode the 250 bus up Avondale Road with King County District 3 Candidates. Hear what they have to say about Transportation issues! Watch the videos here.
Advocating for transit funding through the National Coalition of Transit Justice

Move Redmond has been working with a grassroots coalition to advocate for transit operations funding so that bus service is frequent and reliable for everyone. We are urging our representatives to pass HB 3477 that would fund $20 Billion of additional transit operations funding. You can read the letter we sent to Representative DelBene here.
Celebrating the opening of the 520 trail tunnel

In June we celebrated the opening of the 520 trail tunnel that runs under 40th Street. This intersection is one of the busiest bicycle/ pedestrian intersections in all of Redmond. Now people biking and walking don’t have to wait for the light at 40th and can safely pass under this colorful tiled tunnel. We are looking forward to more bicycle and pedestrian improvements near the Overlake Village Light Rail Station.
Cutting the Ribbon on Redmond's First Streatery

in July, we celebrated Redmond’s Bar and Grill’s Streatery with Mayor Birney and One Redmond. Puget Sound Business Journal covered the event here. Streateries are a great way to reimagine our streets to help businesses that make Redmond unique!
We hope it’s the first of many. Interested in starting your own? Find the City’s free permits here.
Streeteries are coming to Redmond

As of 10:56 pm last Tuesday, streeteries can open in Redmond. At this week’s council hearing, the Redmond City Council members voted unanimously to allow parking spaces & private parking lots can become outdoor seating or retail!
Safe Streets means Black Lives Matter

At a time when essential workers are facing longer commutes on less frequent transit service, images of King County Metro buses being used to transport police to peaceful protests resonated with Redmond’s transit riders. We signed onto a letter organized by the Seattle Transit Riders Union and King County Council member Girmay calling for Metro to change its policy about transporting police.
The next day, the head of King County Metro announced that buses will no longer transport police to protests and demonstrations.
Amalgamated Transit Union Solidarity Letter

Bus operators at East Base and Bellevue base have continued to keep Redmond moving during COVID-19, even after the passing of their colleague Samina Hameed. This week, we’ve signed onto a solidarity letter with the Amalgamated Transit Union and a coalition of advocates calling to provide personal protective equipment for all of our bus operators.
Bike Month proclamation & Open Streets Request

Recognizing May as Bike Month celebrates the importance of bikes to staying healthy and socially distanced, along with the City’s investments in safe bike routes. We’re excited that the Mayor and Council are celebrating biking’s role in making Redmond a more accessible and inclusive community. We encouraged them to open streets to give people more room to walk and bike.
Federal Emergency funding for Puget Sound transit agencies

Our advocacy to Congress member DelBene helped net $500 million for Seattle area transit agencies. Healthcare workers at two of our members, EvergreenHealth and Swedish depend on bus service to keep our hospitals and emergency rooms going. We signed onto Transportation for America’s letter urging emergency funding for transit agencies.
Lobbied Olympia legislators in response to the passage of I-976

In January, our staff went to Olympia to meed with Redmond’s legislators. Millions of dollars a year that fund Eastside light rail, bus service, bike paths, and vanpools were at stake if the legislators follow through and enact the cuts in I-976.
Countywide measure for Bus Service

Redmond bus riders are hungry for more bus service. We testified to the King County Council in February with a coalition of advocates to put a countywide transit ballot measure before voters in 2020.
Letter calling for Redmond North South streets to be safer for those walking and biking

We called for safe, stress free walking and biking paths along and across Willows Road and Avondale Road. Willows Road urgently needs safe pedestrian walkways along its length in both directions. It also needs near term protected bike lanes. Avondale needs protected bike lanes along its length.
Requested Sound Transit's Downtown Redmond light rail station be 100% accessible

Riders using wheelchairs & strollers should never have to detour due to a broken escalator or elevator. Now is the chance to make our stations 100% accessible. We sent a letter to Sound Transit asking for an accessible ramp to the platform of the future Downtown Redmond Station
Called for Redmond's Parking policy in Downtown Redmond to prioritize businesses and their customers

Our members want parking policy that prioritizes customers and makes it easier for employees to reliably reach their businesses, whether they get there by car, bike, or by foot. To achieve those outcomes, We urged the City of Redmond to end permits for on-street parking, add commercial loading zones and accessible parking, eliminate parking minimums, and reinvest parking revenues in programs to encourage biking, walking and transit.