Redmond Needs a Protected Bike Network
Redmond has a wonderful trail network that provides space for people of all ages and abilities to bike; however, there are gaps between our trails and the places people need to go. For biking to be a stress-free way to get around Redmond, we need protected bike lanes that connect our trails to local businesses, neighborhoods, light rail stations, schools, and parks.
Watch our video to learn more about the Protected Bike Network we want to see in Redmond.
What is a protected bike lane?
By using planters or barriers to provide physical separation from traffic, protected bike lanes create a safe and stress-free way for people of all ages and abilities to bike to work, home, or school. Protected bike lanes are used by communities across Puget Sound including Bellevue and Seattle. By using quick-build designs using paint and posts, they can be quickly and inexpensively installed and piloted.

Where do we need them?
You shared your stories of biking in Redmond with us and it shaped this vision. Key connections where we heard people want protected bike lanes were:
- Avondale Road
- Bel-Red Road
- Old Redmond Road
- 166th
- Complete the Redmond Central Connector along Willows Road

Why now?
Now is the time to design and build a protected bike lane network in Redmond!
Light Rail is arriving in Redmond in 2023 & 2024
Today, 80% of people who ride light rail get there by walking, biking, or taking the bus. When light rail arrives in Redmond, we need safe and convenient bike routes to get from the future light rail stations to businesses, neighborhoods, and schools. A protected bike lane network will make last mile connections to light rail stress free.
Redmond’s Transportation Master Plan is being Updated Now
Currently, the City of Redmond is updating its Transportation Master Plan. This document will guide the growth and development of Redmond’s streets, trails, and transit for the next 10 years. We want a safe and connected network of protected bike lanes to be included in these plans.
Building on the Bike Boom
During Covid-19 many people dusted off their bikes and started riding again. Sales of electric bikes are outpacing electric vehicles by 3 to one in the United States. People are hungry to bike to get to work, school, or play, and building safe, connected and comfortable bike lanes will encourage more and more people to ride for everyday trips.
Voice your support!
If you support a protected bike network for Redmond, sign our petition below! We will share this with city leaders to get the Protected Bike Network included in the Transportation Master Plan!
Thank you for your support for a Protected Bike Network!