Celebration of Movement, Transportation, & Play

Move Redmond 2023 Open Streets Festival: Celebration of Movement, Transportation, & Play
By Kelli Refer
This past Saturday Move Redmond hosted the third annual Open Streets Festival and with over 40 community partners, local businesses and entertainers, it was bigger than ever. Even with all of the bubbles, children playing and people talking the streets near Downtown park felt, well surprisingly quiet. As it turns out our streets aren’t loud and stressful because of people, but rather cars. When we remove cars from the street we open up a whole lot of possibilities. People can linger, parents can let small children bike safely, we can dance to the music and connect with neighbors.
Move Redmond’s Open Street Festival is an event that focuses on celebrating the possible. What do we carve out space for when we reallocate parking places? What can happen when we give people information and inspiration to connect with a new community group, to meet a neighbor and chat over a tasty treat?

In non-profit work it is often important to chart the outcomes and impacts of what you are doing. What is the deliverable? How did it achieve the Mission? While I can count attendees (about 1,000 people) and participating vendors (40). What I can’t count, I’d argue, is far more important. And the fact is with an open streets event you don’t always know what will happen because of it. I can’t say for certain that twenty people were inspired to bike along Eastrail or fourteen families started taking the bus because they learned about Washington’s Free Youth Transit.
I hope those things happen, but for me this event is more about the joy that comes from the lived experience of transforming a place for just a few hours. There is power in turning an intersection from a place you go through to a place you choose to stay because your friend is playing music or your favorite Zumba instructor is inspiring you to dance. There is a lot of good that can come when people connect and share ideas. Who knows who was inspired to take action with Eastside for All or get involved with Liveable Kirkland. Who knows who found community through IACS or was inspired to garden with Muddy Boots Farm.
Streets make up the majority of public space in our cities, so instead of having every single square foot of our streets dedicated to vehicle throughput, what if we start to reimagine some of that space for community connection? Third places are defined as a place you go that isn’t home and isn’t work. Parks are great third places and I have to say that Downtown Redmond Park is an exceptionally great third place, it has bathrooms, water fountains, places to play, shady trees, areas to sit and gather, grass to play on a stage for performances. I love expanding the park to be a little bit bigger – to turn the street into another third place and seamlessly connect people to the businesses and housing across the street.

My biggest hope is that the open streets festival leaves people feeling calm, joyful and proud of the many communities they are a part of, deeply rooted to a sense of place. And maybe that momentum and inspiration shifts their perspective just a little bit and who knows what actions that will inspire? The possibilities are endless.
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The Move Redmond Team recently made a trip to the Kenmore Bowling Lanes using the community van for a team celebration and it couldn’t have been easier! The community van is an amazing and wheelchair accessible resource co-managed by Hopelink and King County Metro that allows you to go where bus service isn’t available. It is a simple and affordable way to get around.
Small changes in our built environment can have a big impact, for example, the Pride painted crosswalk on Cleveland street creates a sense of place and fosters belonging for LGBTQA people in Redmond. This year Move Redmond and community members who spoke up in support of bike lanes helped secure additional funds for physical separation on bike lanes. This was a small win, with only $150,000 for implementation and $50,000 to support bike and pedestrian improvements for projects in the CIP. The reality is that little changes like barriers on bike lanes are the kind of incremental investments that have a rippling effect to shift habits and safety outcomes.
At Move Redmond, we envision an Eastside that is easy and safe to navigate without relying on a car. Redmond can lead the way in ending car dependency to a community where non-drivers have as much access to opportunities as drivers do. These changes in infrastructure will not only make Redmond more sustainable, but also more livable and inclusive. We can create a sense of place and belonging through design that invites people to sit and stay rather than pass through.
A Week Without Driving is meant to help highlight the difficulties that non-drivers face, including those who can’t drive, can’t afford a car, or simply choose to not drive for personal reasons. Many roads lack basic infrastructure like sidewalks, forcing people to walk on the side of the road, which can feel isolating and unsafe. For those who live further from the city, especially in predominantly communities of color, the lack of reliable transit options can make it feel like a punishment for not owning a car. This experience sheds light on how our transportation systems prioritize driving over creating safe, accessible spaces for everyone, reinforcing inequities in mobility and access to essential services.
Studies show that investing in connected and protected bike routes encourages more people to choose to ride bicycles for transportation. In fact, The National Institute for Transportation and Communities found that installing protected bike lanes significantly increases ridership, more so than buffered bike lanes alone. These arterials are critical for connecting people to key destinations across the city. Building out a low-stress bike network on these streets will transform how people move through Redmond.
If you’ve ever been to Costco, you know it involves a lot of walking! On a recent trip to Costco, we easily walked a half mile inside the store, even without going down every aisle. Adding the distance of walking from a parking spot at the end of the lot, we added another .15 miles. Overall, it’s pretty easy to walk nearly one mile on a trip to Costco.
Now imagine applying the same distance to walking around Downtown Redmond! We made a map showing just how many destinations you can get to within the same mile radius around the soon-to-open Downtown Redmond Light Rail Station.. As Redmond transitions from a suburb into a vibrant city, parking right in front of your destination may not always be possible- but that’s part of the exciting shift toward a more walkable, accessible community! . Embracing this change means more opportunities to explore Redmond on foot and discover all it has to offer
Join us for the 4th Annual Downtown Open Streets Festival, celebrating the power of pedestrianized streets! The fun begins August 17th from 10am to 3pm located at the Downtown Park into Cleveland St and 161st Ave NE. Check out free performances, activities, and, connect with local community groups. Experience a lively atmosphere as we take over the streets, with an estimated 1,500+ attendees throughout the event creating a vibrant hub of connectivity.
Join us on June 22nd from 10am to 3pm for the Move Redmond Overlake Village Open Streets Festival. The event will span from the Overlake Village Light Rail Station to Esterra Park, filling Calder Ave NE and NE Shen St with vendors, performers, and activities. Experience a lively atmosphere as we take over the streets, with an estimated 1,500+ attendees throughout the event creating a vibrant hub of connectivity. Learn more about how you can get to our Open Streets Festival by bus, biking or driving!

Tap on the 2 Line with ORCA
April 23, 2024
Excitement is in the air as this milestone will enhance access to school, work, and healthcare throughout the Eastside. Be part of the celebration and witness the city’s remarkable progress in transitioning from a suburban city to a transit-oriented hub. Learn how to get to the 2 line from Downtown Redmond.
We desperately need our elected leaders to value our time and prioritize the kinds of investments that make getting around so much more accessible to everyone. An accessible, frequent and reliable transportation system that works for non-drivers is fully within the realm of the possible. It takes political will and a strong backbone to align our transportation budgets with the needs of non-drivers and trust that prioritizing non-drivers will actually improve the transportation system for all people
On September 20th Move Redmond organized our annual Walk & Talk. This year we started the walk at the Downtown Redmond Transit Center and explored the connections to the Downtown Redmond Link Extension. Our focus for the walk was the connections to the new light rail station for people who walk, bike, and take transit to access light rail. Our goal for the walk and talk is to bring together representatives from local agencies and community members to experience walking together. We were thankful to be joined by King County Councilmember Sarah Perry, representatives from Sound Transit, King County Metro, WSDOT and the City of Redmond. In this blog post, we will share quotes and reflections from participants.
Move Redmond 2023 Open Streets Festival: Celebration of Movement, Transportation, & Play
Safer Streets
August 28, 2023
This past Saturday Move Redmond hosted the third annual Open Streets Festival and with over 40 community partners, local businesses and entertainers, it was bigger than ever. Even with all of the bubbles, children playing and people talking the streets near Downtown park felt, well surprisingly quiet. As it turns out our streets aren’t loud and stressful because of people, but rather cars. When we remove cars from the street we open up a whole lot of possibilities. People can linger, parents can let small children bike safely, we can dance to the music and connect with neighbors.
East Link Starter Line: Inches Away from Approval!
Frequent, Reliable, & Affordable Transportation Options
August 16, 2023
The Sound Transit Board will be making a final vote on passing the Eastside Starter Line at the August 24th Sound Transit Board meeting. This is a key moment to testify in any way possible in support of the East Link Starter Line. Active involvement of community members and advocates has played a pivotal role in influencing the decision-making process and ultimately contributing to the successes and achievements we have made thus far on the East Link Starter Line.
Eastside Starter Line: Connecting two rapidly growing communities on the Eastside
Frequent, Reliable, & Affordable Transportation Options
July 7, 2023
Running the Eastside Starter Line will increase opportunities for people to use transit by providing frequent access to work, school, healthcare, and economic opportunities. 9 out of 10 people who work in Redmond don’t live in Redmond. People move regionally, crossing city and county borders to go about their daily life and meet their needs. When transit is a frequent and reliable option, it increases mobility options for everyone, especially the 1 in 4 Washingtonians who don’t have a driver’s license
Sound Transit's Operation and Maintenance Facility East Building a Foundation of Reliable Transit
Frequent, Reliable, & Affordable Transportation Options
June 21, 2023
This Ride Transit Month the Move Redmond team had an amazing opportunity to tour Sound Transit’s Operation and Maintenance Facility East (OMFE) in Bellevue. Our team was joined by Mayor Birney and Amy Tsai, chief policy advisor for the City of Redmond. We left the tour with a deeper appreciation of all of the people and behind-the-scenes maintenance required to keep transit functional for riders.
Candidate Bus Ride Along Interviews
Frequent, Reliable, & Affordable Transportation Options
June 7, 2023
Election day is right around the corner! Every vote carries the power to elect leaders who represent the people’s diverse needs and address critical issues that affect our communities. Voting for city officials is crucial as these public leaders make decisions on issues like education, transportation policies, infrastructure, urban planning, and more that impact our everyday lives.
Transit Trekking: Explore, Engage, and Embrace the Journey!
Frequent, Reliable, & Affordable Transportation Options
June 7, 2023
Move Redmond recently met with Kim Huntress Inskeep, a Seattle-based transportation advocate and founder of Transit Trekker. Huntress Inskeep is creating The Transit Trekker Manual aims to help nondrivers and people who want to drive less have easier access to the outdoors while simultaneously advocating to expand rural and regional transit service.