2 Line Safety Video Contest

Submit a vertical format video on the theme of the contest: Practicing Safe Habits around light rail.

Video Contest Guidelines

  • Open to Bellevue and Lake Washington School Districts’ students K-12.
  • Limit one entry per student; no group entries.
  • Videos must be on theme: Practicing Safe Habits around light rail
  • Videos should be filmed in vertical format and should be no longer than 60 seconds.
  • Submissions should include an artist’s statement from the student about the video and safety in and around transportation.
  • Submissions close in February 16, 2024

Winning entries will be announced before the 2 Line opens! 1st , 2nd , and 3rd place winners will be selected from all k-12 entries.

  • K-5th grades | cash prizes ranging from $100-250
  • 6th-8th grades | cash prizes ranging from $100-250
  • 9th-12th grades | cash prizes ranging from $100-250